Sunday, October 11, 2015

Day 3 Recap

Today was an odd day.  I wasn't hungry.  In fact, I was the opposite of hungry.  All day.

Breakfast was a fruit platter.  It was amazing, and made me very happy. 

Lunch was a salad and some almonds. I ate late (2:30ish).  I don't think I even ate half of it, because I just filled up too quickly.  So I knew I wouldn't need a snack, and I was right.

I forgot to photograph dinner!   Ack!  Bad Liza!  It was an on-the-run meal (well, at least it was supposed to be).  Clue the Musical rehearsal meant that I needed to pack my dinner, and I did...  And then left it sitting on the counter when I left. Doggoneit!  So dinner was late too. Much to my surprise, I wasn't hungry during rehearsal, and had to force myself to eat at least some of it once I was home.  Dinner consisted of a lentil-lime salad, a sweet potato, and some roasted pumpkin seeds. I ate the potato, most of the seeds, and just a couple bites of the lentils. 

I'm not as exhausted tonight. Good thing, because I have a paper to write and 2 quizzes to take before I can go to bed.

Day 3 in the books!  Hoping for my appetite back for Day 4!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Day 2 Recap

Overall I'd call today a success. Other than feeling extremely tired (seriously I wanted to nap. All. Day.), I feel okay. The scale shows I'm down 3.6 lbs, but I know it's all water. Still - I'll take it!

Breakfast was oatmeal with raspberries, drizzled with a little honey for sweetness.

The oatmeal was very filling, though I was definitely hungry before lunchtime.  I ate lunch earlier than planned, knowing I'd be able to eat a mid-afternoon snack.  I felt much better after lunch, which was supposed to be miso soup - but I still can't find miso paste!  Even the Asian Market didn't have it!  Weird!  So I recreated yesterday's breakfast for today's lunch. It hit the spot. That whole wheat toast tasted SO good today.  

My snack consisted of 15 raw almonds and a Granny Smith Apple. I ate it while I waited at the mall for Ryan, who had voice and guitar lessons. It held me over til dinner, even through a grocery trip!  I did have to hush that voice in my head at the store - it encouraged me to buy candy, cupcakes, mashed potatoes...  The list goes on. I survived, though.  

I made pierogi for dinner for Ryan since I knew he wouldn't like my menu, and am very proud that I wasn't tempted (much) to take even a bite. My dinner was a Southwestern Veggie Taco - it was good, though I'm not crazy about corn tortillas in general (and I could only have one tortilla so I ended up eating most of the "guts" with a fork anyway).  My favorite part of dinner was the fresh guacamole. Yum!

I'm definitely not "out of the woods" as far as sticking to it...  It's hard!  But in determined, and I really think blogging it helps, so even if no one's reading but me, it's helping to keep me accountable. Bring on Day 3!

Day 2 Vlog

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Day 1 Recap

Today was ok...  I enjoyed preparing and eating the meals. Even Ryan liked dinner!

I drank an entire gallon of distilled water - pretty proud of that, and I know I have to keep it up!

Meal breakdown

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, steamed spinach, and 1 piece of whole wheat toast.  I'm not a huge fan of eggs in general, but by strategically placing some on a fork with spinach, I managed to get through it...  I saved the toast for last. Yum!

Lunch: Salad with toasted pine nuts and grilled chicken, and homemade Greek dressing. Very tasty!  The pine nuts were my favorite part.  This is a meal that can be substituted throughout the plan (without the chicken starting next week), and I think I'll be using it to replace more complicated meals. 

For a snack, I had some plain Greek yogurt, raspberries, and a little raw, unfiltered honey. It hit the spot and held me over til dinner.  

Dinner: Baked salmon, boiled potatoes, and steamed asparagus.  I couldn't eat it all - I finished my asparagus and most of my salmon, but left a few potatoes. 

Day 1

Today I begin Beachbody's 21-Day Reset!  This isn't an exercise program - in fact, they suggest you don't exercise more than a couple of walks each day.  It's exactly what it sounds like - a way to reset your body to factory settings.  Over the next 3 weeks, I'll be cutting sugar, animal protein, and dairy out of my diet completely.

I am extremely nervous, but very determined to get through these 3 weeks and come out stronger and healthier!  I'm using it as a foundation-building time to get my body ready for the long journey to optimal health.

I'm going to use this blog to track my progress, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally too. Here's to a transformational 21 days!

Day 1 Video Update: